Tuesday, March 8, 2022


The wind last night was fierce. I wasn't worried about a tree falling over since we have our trees pruned regularly and so far they are all very healthy. But the uneven rhythm of the wind's wand against the shingles and siding kept me awake for seemingly hours. Bella, our cat, was also unnerved, as displayed by her piteous mews and pathetic scratching on the basement door. She'd make a great addition to a haunted house at Halloween.

While I don't recommend going to work tired, on a bike, at 7:15 on a 30+ degree morning, the resulting ride home on a 50+ degree afternoon more than makes up for it. This was my first bike commute of 2022, and truly I am glad to be back at it. I like the independence, the ability to depart home at the same time I would depart in a vehicle, and the primo parking spot right outside the school lobby.

Now that I'm home, I'm heading outside to continue raking, trimming, and moving mulch. It's as if I need to reconnect to my weekend just past as soon as possible. Tuesday, Tuesday, so good to me... doesn't quite have the same ring to it. But even when you take off the first day of the week, there is always a Monday sort of day waiting for you, and hopefully also a better night's sleep ahead.


  1. I like the way the parts of this piece are knitted together— the wind, your kitty, your commute, your garden, and finally the Mamas and the Papas!

  2. How great that you can commute by bicycle! I love the phrase, "the uneven rhythmn of the wind's wand."


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