While home on Spring Break, my daughter is interviewing the whole family for her research project in Focused Inquiry, her favorite college class so far because it reminds her of Capstone in APS. This kid loves to research and write. She’s good at it, too. Her topic is growing up with an Autistic sibling. Her brother has agreed to be interviewed, also.
In a serendipitous occurrence, this just happens to be the week my son needs to interview someone older than 60 for his English 11 class, and Grandma K is in town. So we are awash in interviews and information exchange. Life experiences are spilling out onto Google forms, and soon enough into Google docs.
Our children are learning about life from other perspectives and earlier times. Experience is the best teacher this week, literally.
It sounds like the two of them appreciate the value of these primary sources, too. I hope they are getting some audio recordings to add to the family archive.