Saturday, June 13, 2020

That’s It?

On Tuesday I returned to school to put my SMART Goal folder back in the file drawer and turn in my keys and badge for the summer. The highlight of this quick trip back into the building was seeing a colleague who is retiring.

On Wednesday we said goodbye to our Dolphin students via a two-hour EOY event on MS Teams that included magic tricks, juggling, a scavenger hunt, and an escape room. We led with student slides and closed with a dance party. The students who attended seemed to have a good time.

Yesterday, I joined several colleagues at the bus loop entrance of the school building for several hours to receive and hand out bagged items. Library books and band uniforms were handed back while gym clothes and locker contents were handed out, all through car windows and back seats. This was a strange way to say goodbye to the small number of students and parents who bothered to do the scheduled drive-by.

All that's left is some professional development and a few meetings this coming week, and the 2019-2020 school year is a wrap.


  1. Yeah, it’s been a slowly deflating balloon. Camp Jefferson will live again! Just not this time around.


The Four Types of Conflict in the School Garden

Man vs. Man Who can fill their wheelbarrow to the brim with wood-chips, first? Has someone over-timed their turn with the wheelbarrow, or th...