A is for applesauce which tastes so sweet
B is for braids that look so neat
C is for cousins who bring us fun
D is for doorways which lead us to sun
E is for elevators that stretch to the sky
F is for FaceTime bringing smiles to the eye
G is for gardens both large and small
H is for home where the heart is for all
I is for iris, short ones and talls
J is for juggle, with three tennis balls
K is for kudos to all who deserve
L is for lantana, full of verve
M is for maps that show us the way
N is for neighbors who greet us each day
O is for omelet so tasty to eat
P is for Play Ball! a sound so sweet
P is for Play Ball! a sound so sweet
Q is for quarantine that drags on and on
R is for roses that greet the dawn
S is for is for swimming in lakes or pools
T is for is for toiling with all the best tools
U is for umbrella, protection from rain
U is for umbrella, protection from rain
V is for for vegetables, fancy or plain
W is for Waldo, my first kitty boo
X is for x-ray that’s long overdue
Y is for yodeling, a wondrous sound
Z is for for Zoom, where meetings abound
Wow! I'm impressed!