Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Sofa is My Friend

Some of my best nights of sleep happen on the family room sofa on those nights when I just pass out mid-sentence and my family lets me lie there until morning, fully clothed. Sounds pathetic, I know. But last night I slept like a ROCK. No tossing, no turning, no stirring, nothing but deep restorative sleep. These days I will take that wherever and however I can get it.

There is a history of sofa sleepers in my husband’s family, so he gets it. His mom was often a sofa sleeper. So was his elderly aunt, though she now only sleeps in recliners (one in the family room and one in her bedroom in lieu of an actual bed). I remember my eldest brother often falling asleep on the family room sofa when we were teenagers. I also remember coming home from a semester of college and taking up horizontal residence on that same family room sofa for days at a time. My mother was always very supportive of my need for decompression after college semesters.

In my home now, in the downstairs den which we converted to a bedroom for my MIL ten years ago this Spring, remains the twin bed with the luxurious mattress that she picked out for her last months (she was terminally ill when she came to live with us). That bed has become a safe haven for the kids, and sometimes myself. But I always sleep best on the family room sofa.


  1. My dad and my brother were a sofa sleepers and I smiled as I read your post remembering them catching power naps on the sofa and waking up many hours later.

  2. My dad was a sofa sleeper. And my mom was pretty fond of the recliner. I like to nap on the sofa, and by nap I mean sleep for two hours on a weekend afternoon. I wonder if it is because there is a back and it feels like a hug?

  3. My daughter is a sofa napper and can nap anytime of the day! But that den sounds like a place for me!

  4. Nice - I never thought about sleeping on the sofa. I'll have to try it! :)

  5. I can totally relate to sofa sleeping. My hubby is currently sofa sleeping. He was watching one of his TV shows, and that was it. My mom also enjoys sofa sleeping. I will say, that if I ever get a chance to nap, my best naps are on the sofa.


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