Tuesday, March 9, 2021

The Morning Grind

This morning I woke up at 6:30am. I was the first one awake in my family, except for the cats meowing pitifully at the basement door. I could hear them as I slunk down the stairs and into the kitchen, but my first priority was to get the coffee going.

“Humpf,” I thought to myself, “I really don’t like being the first one awake.”

It was so much better to wake up to the familiar smell of fresh coffee, waiting for me in the pot. I’ve been spoiled. I married a morning person. Until just this month, I have never been the first one to get the day started.

While the coffee trickled slowly into the pot, I opened the pantry, pulled out the plastic bin of dried cat morsels, and plunked a quarter cup into each cat bowl. Then I opened the basement door for the hungry monsters, and stood back to watch the daily spectacle, like the running of the bulls in Pamplona, Spain.

”Good morning, Girls!” I chuckled.

With coffee in mug, and mug in hand, I strolled over to the back picture window to enjoy the gold finches on the thistle sock. Meanwhile the mourning doves checked out the surrounding spillage, while a squirrel wrestled with the suet cage on the other side of the backyard.

As I tracked the morning activity of critters outside, the critters inside were just finishing their breakfast. One cat was stretched out by the stairs, licking her paws and cleaning her face, while the other one nuzzled up against my legs with her sweetest good morning hugs.

“If only the cats could let themselves out of the basement and make the first pot of coffee,” I mused.


  1. Now that would be something, to have everything done like that! I am also not a morning person, bah! Total Scrooge moment for me until after I drink coffee.

  2. Sometimes I purposely stay in bed so that my husband is the first one down, not because I don't want to take the dog out, but because I want my coffee delivered. The idea of training a pet to push that start button is great. I might have to figure out the automatic time brew.

  3. It's so hard to wait for that first cup of coffee!

  4. I have often wished my dog could help out in some ways... so your last line resonated with me!

  5. If you could set your coffee to automatic brew on a timer, or if Brian could, you’d have the perfect morning! Enjoyed this glimpse into your early morning time!


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