Friday, March 19, 2021

Poo-Pooing the Port-o-Potty

A church that used to occupy our school building every Sunday morning pre-pandemic is preparing to return for outdoor services on the hardscape area between Fleet ES and Jefferson MS. The Superintendent has apparently okayed this arrangement. I have no problem with it, either. What I do have a problem with is the port-o-potty that our Building Manager suggested placing behind the country-erected shed at the edge of our school/community garden. 

“Are you kidding me?” I said to Arnold unabashedly?! (We are on a first name basis after years of working together in this building and on these grounds.) “Why there?”

“We need an out of the way location to hide it. It would stay locked except for Sunday mornings, and it would be serviced regularly,” he explained, sheepishly.

“We have a pollinator garden extension behind that shed!” I said, in a pleading tone of voice. “Isn’t there anywhere else it could go?” Arnold signaled just a moment as he took a call on his cell phone and headed toward the main office.

After taking a few deep breaths and realizing that ultimately the County will do what it wants, I texted Arnold back to say, “Can we at least go look at the site together to determine where would work best? We would not just want it plunked down anywhere.”

“It’s all good,” he promptly texted back. “I told them there was opposition.”

Thanks Arnold. I should have known you’ve got our backs.

1 comment:

  1. Arnold is the best- a pollinator garden is no place for a porta potty!


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