Early images of cousin fun fill my memory bank. As the youngest of twelve cousins on my dad's side, and the fourth youngest of twelve cousins on my mom's side, I was most often the tag-along rather than an instigator. I remember...
- Laughing along when the games of ping pong became raucous escapades ending in wild chases.
- Helping to devour the extra large Magic Pizza covered with razor-thin slices of fresh Ontario mushrooms that we ordered at 10:00pm unbeknownst to our dads, who then had to go retrieve it for us.
- Squishing onto the back of the three-person toboggans as the fourth person, the one who bailed off onto icy banks when the ride became too rough.
- Sitting by a cozy wood stove in Vermont watching elder cousins knit and crochet elaborate projects as we laughed and visited for hours,
- Hiking up the steep trails under electric wires, picking up vintage green or blue glass insulators from the ground.
- Searching for tadpoles in the pond and wading bare foot in the creek.
- Playing highly competitive games of Monopoly and Clue.
- Sitting around so many dinner tables, reminiscing and basking in family.
My memory bank is full. I am rich indeed.
Life Lesson: No amount of money or success beats time spent with family.
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