Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Secret Garden Getaway

Today before opening a single email, I snuck away to one of my happy places: Merrifield Garden Center. My neighbor went, too.

As we strolled among the hellebores and huchera, making plans for front porch pots, the wax begonias several aisles over caught our eye. Shades of screaming yellow and tantilizing tangerine will be perfect with my neighbor's newly painted front door, a turquoise color her husband still hates. But that's okay because they are moving soon.

Next we wandered through the hoards of azaleas and rhododendrens, eventually locating my favorite Coral Bell pinks and Hershey reds. We hemmed and hawed over a suitable replacement for the empty space that will be left in my neighbor's front corner when I adopt her prized gardenia. A laurel, perhaps? Or should we play it safe with another azelea?

Finally some mouse ear mini-hostas and a couple of creeping geraniums to fill in areas of her yard that still "need something". Then we were done. Between us we brought home several azaleas, two rolls of sod, four perennials, six annuals and considerable peace of mind. Because in the midst of packing and staging and staving off a novel virus, gardens must go on.


  1. That sounds like a well-needed break. Your use of specific details brings your reader right along with you. Thanks!

  2. My Friday post was a six word slice - Mother Nature is oblivious to chaos. And yes, gardens must go on!


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