Sunday, April 5, 2020

Pandemic Lawn Party

Armed with our own lawn chairs and a couple of Blue Moons, we headed over to the Lyon Park neighborhood to help a good friend celebrate his 60th birthday corona-style.

Our chosen time slot was 5:15. Others were there as early as 3:00pm, but never more than seven or eight well-wishers at once. It was strangely wonderful to see folks face-to-face, even at the requisite six-foot distance. For a short while, here at the end of Week Three, we were almost able to forget about this strange predicament that has hi-jacked our lives.

I chose to walk the two miles home afterwards, which was a nice end cap to an otherwise lazy Sunday. It felt good to stretch my legs, but even better to celebrate a friend’s milestone.

1 comment:

  1. I am amazed at the adaptations people are able to make within "the rules" of social distancing.


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